Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Most Deadly Animal to Humans😲

The world's deadliest creatures, as measured by the number of fatalities among humans each year, are not typically regarded as scared by people, such as lions or snakes. With  7,25000 annual human fatalities attributable to mosquito bites, they are by far the deadliest animal on earth.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that diseases spread by mosquitoes take the lives of 725,000 people annually. 600,000 of the cases are due to malaria alone. Humans are the second-most deadly animal, causing 425,000 fatalities annually. In contrast, just 75,000 people are killed annually by snakes, dogs, crocodiles, hippopotamuses, lions, wolves, and sharks combined. 

High fevers, shivering chills, and flu-like symptoms are some of the symptoms. And in comparison to other diseases spread by mosquitoes, humans participate in the infection process. A feeding female mosquito picks up the malaria parasites, which grow and replicate first in the liver cells and then in the red blood cells before being transferred to yet another human.


West Niles
Of those infected with the West Nile virus, between 70 and 80 percent never show any symptoms. Most people who do become ill experience a fever along with other symptoms including headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhoea, or a rash and then recover. That does not mean that it cannot be deadly. The chief worry is that the West Nile virus, which affects less than 1% of patients, can lead to severe encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain. Ten percent of those people die. There are numerous mosquito species that can transmit West Nile, including several from each of the genera Anopheles, Aedes, Culiseta, and Culex.
High fever, rash, excruciating headache, eye pain, extreme muscular pain, and joint pain are some of the symptoms of dengue, which has also been referred to as "breakbone fever."


High fever, rash, excruciating headache, eye pain, extreme muscular pain, and joint pain are some of the symptoms of dengue, which has also been referred to as "breakbone fever" due to the severe joint pain. Dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is its most serious variation, causes blood vessels to leak, which results in bleeding from the mouth, nose, and gums. The blood vessels may collapse if untreated.


Chikungunya is sometimes misdiagnosed as dengue because it has similar symptoms to that disease, including fever, excruciating joint and muscular pain, headache, nausea, exhaustion, and rash. It can cause neurologic conditions such Guillain-Barré syndrome, meningoencephalitis, and cranial nerve palsies, just as Zika and dengue.
The virus has also been linked to unusual complications like cardiac inflammation, acute renal disease, and severe bulbous lesions, as well as rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, which gave origin to the disease's Swahili name, which translates to "sickness of the bended walker.


Yellow Fever
The symptoms of yellow fever, a rare tropical illness, include fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting. In rare instances, jaundice and bleeding from the mouth, nose, eyes, and stomach also occur. The good news is that there is a vaccine that, in 99 percent of recipients, prevents incidents. However, it kills 30,000 individuals annually. 


Rash, joint discomfort, eye irritation, and fever are among the less severe symptoms of the zika virus compared to those of dengue. However, up to 80% of those with the infection may not show any symptoms. Although the Zika virus is not fatal, it can cause microcephaly, a birth disorder that results in kids being born with dangerously small skulls and brain problems. Zika, which can be sexually transmitted, added a new wrinkle to illnesses spread by mosquitoes other than through direct bites.

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